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September 21, 2023 3 min read

When your hair and scalp are feeling a bit dry, it’s the perfect time for a homemade hair mask for a hydration boost.  Summer sun, heat, wind, and water take their toll on our hair for sure!  

The hair mask recipe options are limitless, but here’s one recipe that find works for the widest variety of hair types. It’s fun to make and apply, and the results are amazing, and it’s easy to modify.

Why bother with a homemade hair mask?

Hair masks provide a deep treatment and conditioning. Because of the richness of the ingredients and the length of time that it stays on the hair and scalp, the mask has time to provide faster and longer lasting benefits, boosting the condition and health of your hair. 

In “Everything you need to know about hair masksDr. Cynthia Cobb and Healthline writer Grace Gallagher explain some of the benefits of hair masks:

  • shinier, softer hair for less frizz
  • added moisture
  • stronger hair for reduced hair breakage and damage
  • a healthier scalp
  • less environmental and product damage

As an added benefit, a homemade mask won’t contain any potentially harmful preservatives, unlike store brands. Fresh ingredients mean you’ll get all of the nourishing goodness possible. And, you save money vs. a branded product.

What’s a good recipe to start with?

For Abigail’s favorite base recipe, you’ll need to raid your cupboard for some avocados, olive oil, and honey. These versatile ingredients work for all hair types and can be customized for specific situations.

  • 1½ avocados
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. manuka honey
  • 1-3 drops of an essential oil of your choice (optional)

Step 1: Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Step 2: Coat the hair evenly, cover with a shower cap and let sit for 45 minutes.

Step 3: Wash out with a high quality, sulfate-free shampoo, apply a silicone-free conditioner, rinse.

To kick up your hair mask a notch, add 1-3 drops of an essential oil of your choice. Some of our favorite essential oils not only smell good – providing an aromatherapy benefit – they also improve your hair and scalp.

  • Lavender oil to accelerate hair growth
  • Peppermint oil increases circulation
  • Rosemary oil improves hair thickness and growth
  • Cedarwood oil reduces hair loss
  • Lemongrass oil reduces dandruff

Check out our post on “Must have oils for Healthy Scalp” for insight into how these work.

Get creative!

There are lots of common ingredients you can add to an at-home mask that can help improve the texture and health of your hair and scalp, without having to spend a lot on store-bought hair products.     

Healthline writer Grace Gallagher explains some general rules about the benefits of common ingredients:

  • Aloe vera to calm the scalp
  • Honey moisturizes
  • Avocado oil protects the hair shaft
  • Bananas reduce frizz, dryness and dandruff
  • Eggs promote hair growth and strength
  • Coconut oil deep conditions
  • Olive oil for intense moisture

Throw a hair mask party!

Have fun, experiment, throw a hair mask party. You can even do this outside as long as you are near a water source and have some buckets. A great way to do this is to have friends bring a specific ingredient then develop different masks based on each person’s hair and scalp situation. They’ll be fun to make.  When it’s time for the 20 minute application, turn on some soothing meditation music. Then rinse and start enjoying the benefits!

Don't have time for a hair mask?

ANTIDOTE Conditioners, ANTIDOTE Multi-Styler and Frizz Fix Styling Cream have a lot of the same ingredients used in quality home hair masks.

We’d love to hear about your hair mask experience! What are your favorite ingredients and why?

Abigail + David

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