Of course, ANTIDOTE was born in Wisconsin! It’s where we get our passion for the planet. After all, products that we use in our shower end up in our streams and rivers. So healthier products for us also means cleaner water, healthier fish, and more wildlife! That is why ANTIDOTE ingredients are selected with nature in mind – our goal is to restore balance for ourselves and our environment.
Wisconsin has a long tradition in environmental balance. From the first settlers to A Sand County Almanac to Earth Day.
(Wisconsin Native American Indian Tribes Map, Great Lakes Intertribal Council)
The first settlers got it. The area we now call Wisconsin was first settled by the Ojibwe, Potawatomi, Oneida, Menominee, and Ho-Chunk people. While each had their unique relationship with nature, they shared a sustainability ethic. They thrived off of the land and rivers, yet cared for the land. Award-winning poet Paula Gunn Allen explains, “We are the land ... that is the fundamental idea embedded in Native American life.... It is … a part of our being, dynamic, significant, real. It is our self ... It is not a matter of being ‘close to nature’ ... The Earth is, in a very real sense, the same as our self (or selves) ... It is a matter of fact, one known equably from infancy, remembered and honored at levels of awareness that go beyond consciousness, and that extend long roots into primary levels of mind, language, perception and all the basic aspects of being ...”
In modern times, Wisconsin has continued to play a leading role in protecting the environment.
A book that changed the world. "Long respected in his own fields of forestry and wildlife ecology, Leopold ..., in 1937, ... became focused on reaching the general public with his conservation message... of how the natural world worked and inspired them to take action to ensure the future health of the land and water that sustains all life." - Aldo Leopold Foundation
Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanaccontinues to spark generations of environmentalists. Written in the 1940’s about Leopold’s home in Baraboo, Wisconsin, the book shows how a healthy planet is good for all – for our health, recreation, and our economy. Leopold’s friendly writing style and thoughtful arguments made this a best-seller – selling over 2 million copies.
Earth Day and the right to a healthy environment. In the 1960’s, US Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed a constitutional amendment that "Every person has the inalienable right to a decent environment." He spearheaded the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 with the belief that the more people understood about the environment, the more they would take better care of it and demand better protection. According to Earth Day Network, on that first Earth Day “20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies.” Today, Earth Day involves 5,000 environmental groups across 180+ countries and hundreds of millions of people.
At ANTIDOTE 1848, we know that small things can make a big difference. What we use to clean ourselves in our showers ends up in our streams, gets swallowed by fish who feed us and other living things. In a world of harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients, ANTIDOTE plant powered products use ingredients that are better for people and the environment. No matter what brand you choose, natural products are one small way we can all make a difference.
Love the land!
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